• 25 Sep 2021 7:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Remote learning is even harder when English isn’t students’ first language. Schools told us their priorities for supporting them

    The COVID-19 pandemic has left large numbers of students, teachers and families grappling with the challenges of remote learning. Remote learning can be particularly challenging for students who are learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D students).


    Developing literacy skills in a digital world

    ‘The change over the last 20 years in what and how students read has emphasised the importance not only of assessing students’ capacity to read, but also what they have learned about the credibility of what they read.’ In her latest Teacher column, Dr Sue Thomson delves into international PISA 2018 data on reading literacy and digital literacy skills.


    Expert resources help support remote learning

    When NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced on 25 June that the state would go into lockdown, few expected that it would drag on for three months. And the state still has another month to go before the lockdown ends in earnest.


    Supporting critical numeracy and maths skills in teaching and learning

    In today’s article, Dave Tout, Justine Sakurai and Carly Sawatzki discuss numeracy and its relationship with mathematics, and the importance of real-world contexts. They’ll also share a problem-solving cycle to help students develop their skills, and a classroom example of health numeracy, using trampolining as a focus for mathematical investigation.


    Students at home, but school life continues

    Two schools for students with special learning and support needs have created outstanding programs to connect with their community.


    Quality Time for teaching

    Teachers and school staff are being called on to provide feedback on the NSW Government’s Quality Time Action Plan which sets an ambitious agenda for reducing duplicative, repetitive, and low-value administrative tasks in schools. Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said leveraging technology and digital tools to streamline teaching tasks is at the centre of the plan.


    Teachers to spend less time on reports, forms and playground duty

    A plan to reduce the time teachers spend on menial tasks could save them up to 40 hours a year.



    We stand with her: A call to action on girls’ online learning and digital skills

    Global leaders from across the public, private and philanthropic sectors have signed a joint letter committing to girls’ education and in particular girls’ digital access, skills and participation in online learning.


    The spy tech that followed kids home for remote learning—and won’t leave

    Gaggle’s software monitors students’ use of school-issued accounts. But educators may not be prepared to respond to what they learn.


    Effects of online education on mental and physical health

    Covid-19 has caused destruction and devastation worldwide in ways nobody could anticipate. The world in one way or another came to a standstill. Life as we knew it changed. And this change became the new constant.


    Help students discover the world with new Flipgrid Live Events

    At Flipgrid, we want to help educators everywhere provide unique learning experiences for their students. Flipgrid Live Events connect classrooms to subject matter experts and resources while providing students access to amazing locations across the globe. Whether visiting national parks, traveling underwater, or interacting with renowned authors, activists, and humanitarians, each 30-minute educational live event can broaden your learners’ horizons and enrich your curriculum.


  • 20 Sep 2021 2:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Students getting closer to the joys of remote learning

    Clawing back me-time has been a plus for students during lockdown, but the downside is missing friends and the school environment of celebration and group activity.


    ‘It’s so hard’: how the pandemic upended young people’s career paths

    Morgan Vella and his friends used to hold high ambitions for what life would look like after graduating high school: leaving their regional Victorian town for university in the city, enjoying a world of busy dormitories, student bars and lecture theatres. But two years and seven lockdowns later, the Kyabram P-12 College year 12 student says a lot of his friends have simply “given up” and plan to complete their Victorian College of Education (VCE) certificate without an Atar.


    Technology is key for refugees starting new lives in Australia, but not everyone has equal access

    As evacuees and refugees from Afghanistan start their new lives in Australia, their ability to navigate the digital world will be crucial.


    Remote learning a game changer for vulnerable youth

    As students across the country adapt to ‘lockdown learning’ once again, growing numbers of at-risk young people are successfully reconnecting with education.


    Ten key technology considerations in delivering the future of education by Microsoft

    Events over the past 18 months have highlighted just how inherently valuable technology has become for educators. From the remote delivery of classes and classwork notes and facilitating communication and collaboration between isolating students, right through to the expanded resources available by being able to access education from anywhere, technology is delivering both resilience to the education sector, and generating better outcomes.


    Use of information and communications technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of writing

    Learning to write is an essential part of becoming literate. The challenge in the digital age for teachers and students is how to make the most effective use of all available digital tools to develop and craft quality texts.


    Are writing scores from online writing tests for primary students comparable to those from paper tests?

    The move to online testing for NAPLAN in 2019 brought many benefits to teachers, schools and education systems. However, prior to implementation, concerns were raised amongst stakeholders relating to the validity, comparability, equity and fairness of online testing. One key issue was the online assessment of writing, for Year 3 students in particular. The main concern was whether Year 3 students would have sufficient typing skills to produce online texts in timed conditions that were a valid reflection of their underlying writing proficiency. This report on the research conducted in 2016 was used to inform decision making concerning the move of NAPLAN writing tests from paper to online tests.


    Slow internet forces North Star family to homeschool from the paddock

    It's a classroom with a view. That's the best way to describe how the McMaster children are studying in isolation in their small rural town of North Star, near the New South Wales-Queensland border. Slow internet has forced mother of four and farmer Angela McMaster to move her children's homeschooling into the paddock to ensure they could still participate in online learning.


    Goulburn High School staff and students adapt well to home learning [subscription]

    Students in the region have been learning from home for about a month now, including those from Goulburn High School.


    Bridging the gap between policy and practice in education

    Over a year ago, we were both on a global panel discussing lessons learned and ways forward in education to proceed this last school year immersed in COVID. We realised quite quickly that by partnering-up our different views, as education practitioner in New Brunswick, Canada, also in contact with many teachers internationally, and as international education policy analyst at the OECD we could answer a major issue in education: the gap between perspectives on education, particularly between policy and practice in schools and classrooms. This gap prevents progress in education due to lack of understanding of the reality of schools and classrooms and of how policy can really be defined and implemented to be effective. We wanted to raise awareness of this gap so that it can be narrowed, so we engaged in a conversation on the lessons learned during COVID through our own work. We present here some of our observations from the analysis and from our own experience in schools, classrooms and in exchange with policy makers.


    Tapping Into The Future Of VR – Today

    The current COVID19 pandemic has pushed schools into a massive learning curve. We witnessed the incredible resilience of the human spirit, the adaptability of our community and the great potential offered by technology in shaping teaching and learning. A positive outcome is when we witnessed the most non-tech savvy teacher talk about their favourite app that they use to drive students’ engagement in her virtual classroom.


    Schools still closed for nearly 77 million students 18 months into pandemic – UNICEF

    Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, schools for nearly 77 million students in six countries continue to be almost completely closed, according to an updated data analysis released today by UNICEF.


    What Will Online Learning Look Like in 10 Years? Zoom Has Some Ideas

    Last March, Zoom, the ubiquitous online conferencing platform, became a staple of daily life for many students and educators as learning shifted online. Millions downloaded it—and first learned of it—back in early 2020, when lockdowns forced billions of students online, and at least 100,000 schools onto Zoom.


    Online Education: 10 Keys that will make you like Online Classes

    Today the offer of virtual courses, online careers, and online master’s degrees has skyrocketed considerably. Is there more interest in learning? Like never before. And this thirst for knowledge has led us to remember the purpose of online education.


    ‘Let’s Reimagine Education Together’: Lessons and Learnings From Zoom Academy 2021

    Summer is almost over, and educators everywhere are preparing to make their return to the classroom. But what do those classrooms look like, and how can educators help students adapt to new and more flexible learning experiences?


    How 5G can make a difference in education: Challenges and next steps

    In my last post on the potential of 5G networks, we explored how this dramatically different wireless technology could redefine the present and future learning experience. 5G’s extremely low latency rate means the sending and receiving of information goes from 200 milliseconds for 4G down to 1 millisecond with 5G. That increase in speed will make five core elements of learning smoother and easier: interaction, immersion, personalization, flexibility, and access for all.


    To BYOD or not to BYOD, that is the question

    BYOD is that phenomenon that emerged largely as a way to keep devices in the hands of students when funding ran out. It was the perfect solution to the problem – the school can’t pay, so let’s get the parents to pay. But does it deliver on the promise to improve learning?


    New Council Recommendation on blended learning

    “Blended learning” in formal education and training is the term used to describe when a school, educator or student takes more than one approach to the learning process.


    A.I. Can Now Write Its Own Computer Code. That’s Good News for Humans.

    A new technology called Codex generates programs in 12 coding languages and even translates between them. But it is not a threat to professional programmers.


    Bringing STEM to Students with Mobile Technology 

    K–12 classrooms are supplemented with lessons on science, technology, engineering and math thanks to mobile STEM labs.


    SPIKE Prime Tutorials

    Interns at the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach have created a series of SPIKE Prime tutorial videos covering the basics of the LEGO SPIKE Prime robotics kit.


  • 09 Sep 2021 7:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Remote learning is even harder when English isn’t students’ first language. Schools told us their priorities for supporting them

    The COVID-19 pandemic has left large numbers of students, teachers and families grappling with the challenges of remote learning. Remote learning can be particularly challenging for students who are learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D students).


    Flexible learning is a game changer for at-risk students

    For young people put in the ‘too hard’ basket by mainstream schools, the ability to combine remote learning with classroom time is helping them reconnect with education.


    Early NAPLAN results show promise, but we don’t know the full impact of COVID school closures yet

    The early NAPLAN results for 2021 released today suggest the average impact of COVID school closures on literacy and numeracy in 2020 has been relatively small.


    We must improve remote learning to reduce school closure harm

    Eighteen months into the pandemic, each shift to remote schooling still seems to take many of us by surprise. It shouldn’t. By now, it should be clear that stints of remote schooling are likely to occur well into 2022.


    Students who are more adaptable do best in remote learning – research

    A study of more than 1,500 students at nine Australian high schools during 2020 has found strong links between their level of adaptability and how they fared with online learning.


    Curriculum must include a stronger emphasis on teaching data literacy – expert

    In February, a report found that Australia requires 6.5 million additional digital workers by 2025 to keep pace with technological change – a massive 79% increase from today’s levels.


    Families seek ways to overcome remote learning challenges during COVID lockdown

    With COVID-19 lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne dragging on, many parents have felt anxious about the impact of remote learning on their children's education.


    Stakeholder kit for schools

    We invite you to help us bust some myths about girls in STEM and share The GiST’s resources with your school community.


    AI in the classroom: Teaching about artificial intelligence

    Discover free professional learning opportunities for teachers introducing the fundamentals of AI, as well as lesson ideas and other resources to engage your students.


    Dr Cathy Foley

    The GiST team chats to Dr Cathy Foley about her vision for women in STEM and her life as Australia's Chief Scientist.


    Capital idea breaks online learning records

    It’s a rite of passage parents will have experienced in their own school days – the Year 5 and 6 excursion to Canberra. But with COVID-19 lockdowns in place in the national capital and NSW, many students in their final year of primary school looked set to miss the important milestone.


    ‘We’re lucky to have help’: It takes a village to remote-school a child

    Working parents trying to supervise remote learning are recruiting outside help because they are concerned about their children’s academic progress.


    Why coders love the AI that could put them out of a job

    "When you start coding, it makes you feel smart in itself, like you're in the Matrix [film]," says Janine Luk, a 26 year-old software engineer who works in London.


    9 apps to help kids sharpen their coding skills

    Coding is a skill that’s now part of just about every discipline — and what’s more, it’s fun for kids to learn, and easy for parents and teachers to add to lessons at home or school. As kids get ready to go back to school and Chromebooks are once again on desks at home and in the classroom, it’s a good time to boost students’ coding knowledge. At Google, we believe every student deserves the chance to explore, advance and succeed in computer science. Practical computer science skills can help students learn and create, and bring more relevance to nearly any subject, from history to literature to current events.


    A Qualitative Analysis of Using Games Learning Programs to Improve Elementary Teachers’ Application of STEM Capabilities

    Abstract: This study used CodeMonkey, an online learning platform through which elementary teachers can learn programming while playing games and experience how to integrate STEM into their courses. The study analyzed and examined their experiences using a qualitative research method. According to the research results, learning programming while playing games can encourage beginners to go all in. There are also complete guidelines on the teaching platform, so beginning learners can quickly become familiar with the interactive model, which stimulates their curiosity and changes the traditional learning method of teaching by teachers and received by students. On the whole, learning programming itself is a rigid subject.


    A new model for inclusive computer science education

    The lack of diversity in the computing education pipeline has been a remarkably persistent problem. Something that’s stalled progress in addressing disparities is that there’s largely been a focus on individuals, such as teachers and students, rather than on how equity plays out across multiple levels of the computer science (CS) education ecosystem. This is why our work at the University of Texas since 2014 focuses on understanding the root causes of inequities in the CS education pipeline and how every level of the system influences equity.


  • 07 Sep 2021 11:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Learning from home presents unique challenges for Pasifika students. Here's how they're pulling through

    Language barriers, internet access and distraction from siblings are among the unique challenges Pacific Island students are grappling with as they try to complete school during lockdowns across Australian cities.


    Gold Coast 9yo Allegra Clarke accepted to study physics at university

    For nine-year-old physics genius Allegra Clarke, the sky's not the limit — she has her sights set on space. And after being accepted into a university physics course, the Gold Coast primary school student is one step closer to her dream of becoming an astronaut — or an engineer, or a scientist.


    Industry, Schools and Governments Must Work Together to Foster STEM Career Pathways

    Weld Australia is calling on industry, schools and governments to work together to develop and deliver STEM programs that engage, excite and attract students.


    More focus needed on STEM career pathways

    Industry, schools and governments need to work together to develop and implement STEM programs, according to Weld Australia.


    Food-themed scienceXart has fun remote learning activities for primary students

    With many students learning remotely during stay-at-home restrictions, parents, carers and teachers are looking for new ways to keep children engaged in science while learning in the home environment. Looking for something for your primary aged students this month? scienceXart is for you!


    Schools Cyber Security Challenges

    The Schools Cyber Security Challenges are designed to provide high school teachers with resources to support the teaching of cyber security concepts, and to inform students of career opportunities in the field. The Challenges are classroom ready, and aligned with both the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies and the ICT Capability.


    Careers in Tech VR experience

    InsideSherpa have created a FREE virtual learning program for students to see where a career in tech could lead them. Learn at your own pace and have fun with the activities, gain practical skills and experience that will help your career and discover new pathways for a career in technology.


    Scientists offer to help students pass their HSC exams

    The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology (ANSTO) has invited science teachers to register their students to connect with some of the nation’s leading physicists online to prepare for their upcoming final exams.


    Surge in online learning boosts Keypath Education

    Booming demand for courses in nursing and allied health and the “normalisation” of online learning during the pandemic have helped revenues for newly listed Keypath Education climb higher than predicted in its prospectus.


    Getting kids back into classrooms great in theory but a challenge in practice

    According to one teacher, New South Wales education minister Sarah Mitchell did a good job at the daily Covid press conference on Friday. She was across her brief and, as my educator friend put it, “seemed to know what she was talking about”.


    Are NAPLAN’s days numbered?

    Census-based testing, which causes “harmful side effects”, should be scrapped and replaced with a new approach to assessment that supports student learning and provides better information to parents and government, according to the UNSW Gonski Institute of Education report, Putting Students First.


    Online schooling can be successful [subscription]

    Experience has proven that online classes for schoolchildren can work well and there are many examples that prove it.


    STEM 2021: On Demand is Now Live!

    STEM 2021 is a FREE, online event bringing together Australia’s and the world’s leading experts on innovation creativity and STEM.


    Learning from home is all about the positives

    Lidcombe Public P&C President, and father of eight children, Bill Soliola, shares his tips on managing learning from home: it’s all about the vibe.


    Strathfield Girls High School

    ... Learning from home journey


    What happens if classrooms get sent home again?

    School is back in session. But for how long? The Delta variant has caused a significant rise in cases and has reversed the steady decline of Covid-19 infections since January. The variant is more contagious, causes more severe illnesses, and in some cases, has even infected people who have already been vaccinated.


    We stand with her: A call to action on girls’ online learning and digital skills

    Global leaders from across the public, private and philanthropic sectors have signed a joint letter committing to girls’ education and in particular girls’ digital access, skills and participation in online learning.


    Online learning can be cool with online tools, says experts

    Ms Shoba Chandran aims to sway those who perceive online learning or teaching as tedious compared to face-to-face classes.


    Distance learning & initial teacher education: Making connections in a virtual world

    The peaks and troughs of the Covid-19 pandemic continue to impact on almost every aspect of our daily lives, and initial teacher education (ITE) is by no means an exception. Reflecting on changes to our delivery of education gives us an opportunity to consider possibilities and limitations, while also focusing on what is important.


    Remote learning helped parents and teachers relate to each other, study suggests

    The COVID-19 pandemic caused major upheaval, sending students home to remote learning and leaving teachers and parents scrambling to adapt.


    Students and Teachers Got Better at Online Learning. Now It’s Here to Stay.

    Schools across San Diego will be reopening their campuses in person. But a lot of students never went back last spring, and many of them will have more options than ever.


    Students becoming teachers: These sisters use Code.org to teach kids around the world

    When the COVID-19 pandemic caused school closures around the world, many students suddenly found themselves with a lot of time on their hands. But sisters Harita and Sharada Suresh of Jersey City, New Jersey, saw an opportunity.


    Coding Connections at the Interface of Algebra and Physical World Concepts

    Abstract: This paper describes a 54-hour summer institute for grades 6-12 mathematics and science teachers (N = 19) with a comprehensive approach to preparing teachers to use computational thinking (CT) in their classrooms, including training in Python computer programming with Lego® Mindstorms® robotics, mathematics content sessions, and opportunities to solve real-world robotics challenges. Results of an assessment used to measure content knowledge and CT skills and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge survey both yielded statistically significant increases. Participant reflections revealed they developed an enhanced understanding of programming and the ability to integrate programming into the curriculum. The authors propose an innovative approach to teaching disciplinary CT within the context of programming robots capable of interacting with the outside world to address real-world challenges.


    200 girls and women in ICT share their stories

    Despite the growing demand for information and communication technology (ICT) professionals, women still trail their male counterparts in terms of pay, leadership roles, and representation in the digital sector.


    Theoretically Framing the Pedagogy of Learning to Teach Mathematics With Technology

    Abstract: Frameworks can influence the work of mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) in many different ways. Frameworks can suggest a structure around which MTEs design instruction, provide a common language for communicating with prospective teachers, and support prospective teachers as they design their own instruction. This paper reports findings related to the frameworks that MTEs are currently using in their work of preparing secondary mathematics teachers to teach with technology. Findings include a list of 17 frameworks, which fall into four categories with respect to their framing: (a) how students use and learn with technology, (b) the design and evaluation of technology tools and tasks, (c) how teachers use technology, and (d) how teachers learn to use technology. The individual frameworks within each category are discussed and implications for mathematics teacher educators are presented. Implications include a critical discussion of what is missing among the frameworks and challenges for the field.


  • 01 Jun 2021 8:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New grants help Australian teachers build digital skills

    In a world where technology is evolving rapidly, it’s vital that Australian teachers have the knowledge and access to the resources they need in order to equip students for the future.


    The state of education – one year into the pandemic

    Few groups are less vulnerable to the Coronavirus than school children, but few groups have been more affected by the policy responses to contain this virus.


    The Science of Blended Learning – a research-practice partnership

    Like all areas of life, last year was a challenging one in education but it was also a year of important learning and growth – and not just for students!


    Strategy to get more women in STEM jobs falls flat

    A $100 million investment encouraging women to take up jobs in the science and technology sector has come to little, with a new government report showing the number of females in related occupations has barely budged over the past decade.


    Hitting the books: how we’re boosting diversity in STEM 

    We must do all we can to support more diverse young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). That’s why we’re funding new high-tech spaces, and awarding a number of scholarships to diverse University of Melbourne students. We spoke with our 2021 scholarship recipients to find out what it means to them to pursue a career in STEM.


    Children own around 3 digital devices on average, and few can spend a day without them

    More than nine out of ten parents think digital media and technologies are a negative distraction in their lives. And 83% think their children are also negatively distracted by digital devices.


    Greg O’Connor: How technology can help solve Australia’s declining maths results [subscription]

    Poor numeracy and maths skills are some of the most significant barriers to employment, but one key thing can help Aussie students, writes Greg O’Connor.


    Tech takes show to homes from Bourke to Bomaderry

    World-leading technology developed by an Australian start-up in collaboration with the Department of Education is bringing ARTEXPRESS works within reach of all NSW residents.


    Investigation of Emerging Trends in the E-Learning Field Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

    Abstract: E-learning studies are becoming very important today as they provide alternatives and support to all types of teaching and learning programs. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on educational systems has further increased the significance of e-learning. Accordingly, gaining a full understanding of the general topics and trends in e-learning studies is critical for a deeper comprehension of the field. There are many studies that provide such a picture of the e-learning field, but the limitation is that they do not examine the field as a whole. This study aimed to investigate the emerging trends in the e-learning field by implementing a topic modeling analysis based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) on 41,925 peer-reviewed journal articles published between 2000 and 2019. The analysis revealed 16 topics reflecting emerging trends and developments in the e-learning field. Among these, the topics “MOOC,” “learning assessment,” and “e-learning systems” were found to be key topics in the field, with a consistently high volume.



    What is STEM? STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific areas — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — in an applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning model based on real-world applications.


    Sphero indi Brings Robotics to Pre-Kindergarten

    Sphero has just announced a new educational robot called indi, a not-at-all-spherical little four-wheel car-thing with a cute face, what appears to be a spoiler of questionable aerodynamic value, and a color sensor underneath. The infuriatingly noncapitalized indi can be programmed using tiles of different colors that call different functions that the robot executes as it drives over them, making it super accessible to even pre-kindergarteners. It’s never too soon to get kids excited about robots, and it doesn’t get much sooner than this.


  • 21 May 2021 8:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Australia is a long way from gender equality in tech and other STEM fields

    The Australian federal government has been collating data to report girls’ and women’s uptake in studies and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The yearly STEM Equity Monitor has shown very slow advancement and plenty of areas to improve before Australia can achieve gender equality in STEM careers.


    The online learning needs of students across different grades during the COVID-19 pandemic

    A new study published in the British Journal of Educational Technology has identified the different needs of students across primary, middle, and high school related to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the study, investigators surveyed 1,170,769 Chinese students from the Guangdong Province of China.


    Has Covid-19 sparked a new dawn for distance learning?

    An estimated 1.5 billion students across 160 countries worldwide have been forced to study at home during the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, participation in digital distance learning (DDL) has increased exponentially in many forms, including virtual classrooms, learning platforms, social media, online repositories, online assessment, webinars, and recorded video lessons.


    Why Some Families Still Prefer Remote School

    Jobs, language barriers and hard-won coronavirus pandemic routines are just some of the reasons that children aren’t going back to classrooms in districts that have reopened.


    60% of School Apps Are Sharing Your Kids' Data With Third Parties

    Over the past year, we’ve seen schools shift to digital services at an unprecedented rate as a way to educate kids safely during the covid-19 pandemic. We’ve also seen these digital tools slurp up these kid’s data at a similarly unprecedented rate, suffer massive breaches, and generally handle student’s personal information with a lot less care than they should. 


    Collaboration is the Key: An EdTech Journey

    It is crazy to think, that just over a year ago, many schools had never used remote learning platforms such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams, whilst others had only dabbled in using them to provide home learning for their students. Our school was one of those who had not yet taken the leap into the quite scary domain of online learning platforms when the COVID-19 pandemic struck last year. This meant that, as a senior leadership team, we needed to be agile to equip our school and staff with the right tools to support our children and meet the new government requirements for remote learning.


  • 16 Nov 2020 5:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Outstanding ACT educator recognised by the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

    Congratulations to Bonython Primary School’s STEM Specialist Teacher (K-6), Mrs Sarah Fletcher, who has received the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools, at the 2020 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science.


    Australian schools must build upon 2020's digital learning lessons

    As school communities across Australia embark on the final term of the most disruptive year of their lives, it is worth reflecting on the lessons learned after all we have been through.


    Children as content creators: ‘Learning by doing’ during the pandemic using technology

    Instructional design in education – that is successfully designing what a student will learn and how they will learn it, both online and physical – is currently experiencing unprecedented attention and growth, which could prove to be one of the best things to come out of the chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. All educators who are planning and preparing lessons for students to learn at home will be currently grappling with Instructional design.


    Strategies for inclusive STEM learning environments

    Teachers play an important role in STEM engagement, encouragement and as role models, with 24 per cent of teachers being cited by youth as the most influential people for STEM subject selection (Department of Industry, 2020).<https://esanews.createsend1.com/t/r-l-juwuddd-l-u/>

    Great teachers, teaching great Digital Technologies lesson

    Did you know many of the lesson ideas and examples on the Digital Technologies Hub are developed by passionate educators? The Digital Technologies Hub team thanks these educators for extending themselves and sharing their fantastic lessons with us.


    Harvard Business School Professor Jeff Bussgang On The Future Of Education

    As we continue to embark on the new normal, 2020 has brought us an entirely new way that students learn. From Kindergarten to MBAs, students are immersed in distance learning, and the one unifying factor is that technology connects the classroom. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella furthered this point in his quarterly earnings call, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”


    Many teachers don’t use technology in the classroom often: Here’s how to change that

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has caused one of the largest disruptions to education in history, with school and university closures in some 190 countries at the peak of the crisis affecting more than 1.6 billion students around the globe (about 94% of the world’s student population). As of 25 October, UNESCO was still reporting country-wide school closures in 31 countries, impacting nearly 580 million students worldwide.


    Are students ready to thrive in an interconnected world? The first PISA assessment of global competence provides some answers

    The backdrop to 21st century education is our endangered environment. Growing populations, resource depletion and climate change compel all of us to think about sustainability and the needs of future generations. At the same time, the interaction between technology and globalisation has created new challenges and new opportunities. Digitalisation is connecting people, cities, countries and continents in ways that vastly increase our individual and collective potential. But the same forces have also made the world volatile, complex and uncertain.


    Educating healthy and happy children in the digital age

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was a forceful reminder that schools are not just places of academic learning. They are part of the social fabric of our lives, and a large body of evidence sets out the important role they play in ensuring well-being and community.


    The Importance Of Technology In Education [registration]

    Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf have changed the way people learn, work, and interact with each other through the invention of Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocols which were the main inventions that lead to the development of the internet. The internet has affected how we learn, how we communicate, how business works, and how our brain works. Before the internet, people always had to learn face to face or reading from a book. Classrooms were normally very hands-on, and if the teacher assigned a project, scheduling with a partner to work on it is impossible.


    Best practice examples of the Digital School

    The idea of 1:1 education is further developed in the USA, so I’ll take some examples from there.


  • 12 Jun 2020 11:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)




    Coronavirusspecial edition: Back to school

    The COVID 19 pandemic has disrupted education around the world. As the first shock passes, planning is taking place on two timescales: the short-term challenges in the return to school, and the challenges over the next 18-24 months as systems work to build resilience and adaptability for the future.


    Disrupting the education paradigm

    As we continue getting used to our kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms doubling as offices, virtual meeting rooms, and classrooms, many people are starting to ask, “What’s next?” And since more than 1.5 billion learners in 165 countries have been affected by COVID-19 school closures, parents, teachers, students, and decision-makers are asking the same question about education. Thankfully, some of the most prominent leaders in the field are gathering to develop answers that deliver on the promise of quality learning and inclusivity.


    How can youth navigate the sea of disinformation to become good digital citizens?

    “Trust in governments, politicians and in all major institutions including schools, doctors and hospitals, is in question. And in that context social media only serves to exacerbate the problem. There are huge challenges for all of us over what to believe and the pandemic has highlighted the fact that even the experts often aren't sure. In this context, it is vital that we support young people to engage as thoughtful and active participants in democracy,” says Joseph Kahne, Co-director of the Civic Engagement Research Group (CERG) at the University of California.


    Global Education Coalition facilitates free internet access for distance education in several countries

    Major mobile telephone operators that are part of UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition have stepped up efforts to improve connectivity by providing free access to online educational content for students in all regions of the world affected by Covid-19 induced school closures.


    Online Reading Comprehension: Expanding Students Understanding on the Internet [American Based Research Journal]

    Abstract: This paper aims to analyze mainstream technology and Internet-based learning and attempts to explore the possibilities of incorporating digital text into the curriculum. Where this paper came to answer two important questions namely how can technology increase reading comprehension skills and make readers more efficient in their L2? What is the position of teachers and students of English as a foreign language about the Internet application in the classroom?. This paper found that the reader can connect with the ideas and incorporate them into previously gained information; also, improving reading comprehension skills primarily requires motivation, mental frameworks for holding ideas, concentration and good study techniques. Moreover, Realizing and understanding the text is much more complex and practical than vocabulary familiarity.


    A is for accessibility: How to make remote learning work for everyone

    When it comes to equity and access in education, nothing is more important than making sure our digital tools are accessible to all learners—especially now as distance learning becomes the norm. I’m a proud member of the disability community, and I come from a family of special education teachers and paraprofessionals. So I’ve seen firsthand how creative educators and digital tools can elevate the learning experience for students with disabilities. It’s been amazing to see how tools like select-to-speak help students improve reading comprehension as they listen while reading along or assist students who have low vision. And tools like voice typing in Docs can greatly benefit students who have physical disabilities that limit their ability to use a keyboard.


    Teachers Supporting Teachers

    We all know a teacher. A dedicated, loving, do-anything-for-their-kids teacher. And with schools closed around the world, keeping their students engaged — and learning — just got a little harder. So one educator in Thailand created a community where her colleagues can share ideas and support each other professionally — and personally — during these unprecedented times.


    The Role and Impact of ICT in Improving the Quality of Education

    Abstract: ICTs are making dynamic changes in society. They are influencing all aspects of life. Similarly, there is no doubt that ICT brings a massive change in the field of education also. It makes teaching- learning process effective and interesting. To know the impact of ICT in education we need to know two basic things- ICT and education.


    What's the harm in Zoom schooling or contact tracing?

    The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated digitalization at schools, in health care and other social interaction. Some say the rapid change was unimaginable just a few years ago. Is it a threat to our online privacy?


    in: Understanding Education in the age of Digital Divide

    Derived from a Latin word “ Educatum” it means the act of teaching or training. The training to nourish the good qualities in human beings and to bring out the best in every individual. Education seeks to develop the innate capacities of man. To educate individual is to give him some desirable knowledge, understanding skills, interests, attitudes and critical thinking. It is education which enables individual to differentiate between good and evil.


    id: Editorial: Stick to remote learning

    After months staying at home, Indonesian students have been either learning remotely or not at all since the government closed schools in March. Outside students in cities who have good internet access and personal computers, students in rural or remote areas are denied the possibility of remote classes on Zoom or Google Meet. Some teachers have been braving rough terrain to reach students’ houses to provide one-on-one lessons. But they can only do so much, depending on the number of students in their class.


    np: Preparing schools for a changing digital landscape

    In the last two decades, the world has witnessed a dramatic shift in both its educational and technical landscapes. Nepal has attempted to follow suit.


    eu: Tackling inequalities in online and distance learning

    The shift to online and distance learning in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on all of us – but especially on vulnerable social groups, who are facing different challenges due to school closures.


    us: How Technology, Coronavirus Will Change Teaching by 2025

    In 2015, Elliot Soloway and Cathie Norris made some predictions about what education technology would look like in 2020. Soloway and Norris have long worked as a team to research ed tech and help districts put it into practice. In early March, Education Week caught up with them by phone when they were in Paris to speak at an ed-tech conference. We asked them how their 2015 predictions had fared. Then, we talked again in late April, when the coronavirus had suddenly transformed K-12 education into a massive remote learning system.


  • 12 Jun 2020 11:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)




    What happened on the first fully virtual Girls in ICT Day?

    Following the COVID-19 outbreak, Girls in ICT Day 2020 went fully virtual. ITU News spoke to Akanksha Bisoyi, a participant and part of the organizing team, to learn more about the event.


    The future of jobs for today’s students

    With the current situation leaving many uncertain of their future, ACS International School Doha, took a step further by analyzing today’s economic trends to predict the demand of tomorrow’s jobs.


    Best Practice for Long Distance Reading Instruction

    One of the main challenges of teaching over the internet is continuing to provide systematic, and individualized, reading instruction. As personal interaction with students is curtailed, it is critical that educators enact strategies that compensate for the interactivity of the classroom. Adapting best practices from Scholastic’s Guided Reading programme could help you to enhance every assignment.


    uk: What do we want education to look like in the future?

    The Edge Foundation asks key figures from colleges, schools and beyond what we've learned about education in the crisis


  • 12 Jun 2020 11:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)




    STEM conference finds online success

    An education technology gathering in regional NSW is using the pandemic restrictions to offer more opportunities to educators in Australia and overseas.


    Regional EdTech event expands and moves online

    STEM 2020 On Demand: Strategies for a Rapidly Changing World, is an innovative online and on demand event demonstrating the power of technology during these challenging times. It is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education through its Learning and Teaching Directorate.


    STEM 2020 On Demand

    STEM 2020 On Demand: Strategies for a Rapidly Changing World, is an innovative online and on demand event demonstrating the power of technology during these challenging times. It is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education through its Learning and Teaching Directorate.


    Digital classes for creative arts

    Students across NSW now have access to innovative creative arts digital learning resources that bring stimulating workshops, performances, interviews and masterclasses into the classroom or the lounge room.


    School P&Cs in limbo after decades-old rules fail to recognise online meetings

    Decisions can only occur when members are physically present, according to the Parents and Citizens Federation constitution, which has left school groups in limbo during the pandemic.


© ICTENSW 2024

Teachers and technology: a powerful combination for pedagogical & educational transformation.

ICT Educators Association of NSW (ICTENSW) is a non-profit professional teaching association supporting education in New South Wales. 

Mailing Address: ICTENSW Locked Bag 9009, Alexandria NSW 1435

ABN 27 567 884 887

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In the spirit of reconciliation ICTENSW acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout NSW and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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